Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3rd quaer reading book review

The book i read for my third quater reading book was "The sky always hears me and the hills dont mind" by Kirstin Cronn-Mills.
If i was to rate this book i would give it 4 out of 5 stars. it was not one of he books i have ever read but it was not the worst. the auhor tries to have you put yorurself in the position of a sophmore in highschool tha has to struggle with the alcohol addiciton her faher has and her emoional step mother. Along the way she deals with her own problems, in her small nebraska town were everone knows everyone, the star althlete apperars to be rondevouing with another student. yes this is common for all high school sudents you may think but when that other person was of the same sex, the town was high on gossip and rumors. And 16 year old morgan he main charatcer was caugh smack in the middle. tess the girl that was accused of being a lesbian was neighbors with morgan. morgan and tess had always got along well but when the town is ourage because they are all or many of them are anti gay or lesbian couples while morgan is agaist these acts. how will morgan get throgh this hard and confusing time when no one supports here read the book to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

=) =) =)

Monday, March 8, 2010


Everyday we make a decision whether it is big or small it effects our life in some way. it could be whether to something healthy or to venture off into that yummy cream filled, chocolate covered doughnut that will taste great! but in the end may have not been the best food choice. whatever the choice may have been you made it and will have that decision with you for your whole life. that is what life is about, making decisions for the better or worse.
"no the old man said. your with a lucky boat stay with them."(pg.10) this is were the young boy made a decision that affected his life and Santiago's. if the boy chose to stick with santiago on his fishing excursions, this may have mad his parents mad. so he made the decision to find a new boat that was a "lucky" boat. if the boy did not obey his parents and still fished with Santiago, he would have helped reel in the marlin with Santiago without the sharks eating it before it even got to shore.
" the old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. the brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. the blotches ran down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish in the cords."(pg 9-10). they old man was not old and was weaker than some of the other fisherman in the town. he was older than them all and health wise was so as healthy. Santiago had many disadvantageous.
Another disadvantage Santiago had was his equipment. He had old and battered equipment while the other fisherman had larger boats and better fishing equipment. Also when Santiago reeled in the marlin he only had a thin fishing line and very little stegth to bring the giant marlin in himself.
The sharks were a obsticle and disapointment for Santiago he could not fight them off and they ate the marlin. This saddened Santiago because he felt the marlin was a freinds to him and that the great fish went to waste when he eattin by the sharks.
Even though Santiago never got that "BIG CATCH" he still survive the fight and that was life is about getting through the battle and seeing the real side of things in the end!